Nixie clock

Once, when I was looking for something on the attic, I have found lots of nixie-tubes. After that I started to thinking about that what could I do with these. Soon, I figured out that I need just a 12V -> 150V high voltage power supply and a 74141PC driver IC which is a binary to decimal converter. After these stuffs arrived from ebay, I started to assemble a test PCB.



Since it works well, I started to develop the main PCB and the full code for an Atmel ATMega328P microcontroller (which is also used by Arduinos).

Under Construction

Under Construction

To show the current and precise time, I am using a DS1307 RTC (real time clock) module. It is configured and actualized on PC at the first time, and a 3V Li-Ion battery keeps the clock ticking when the module is powered off.

Early Experimentation

Early Experimentation

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